From ANIMAL PEOPLE, September 2006:


Animal People in October 2005 reviewed a DVD called QuickSpay, which shows Marvin Mackie, DVM of Los Angeles performing real-time sterilizations of both pre-pubescent and adult dogs and cats. Produced by Animal Issues Movement founder Phyllis Daugherty, the DVD is distributed free of charge to either humane organizations or individual veterinarians. QuickSpay has now been translated into Castracion Rapida by Martha Carrasco, DVM of Jalisco, Mexico, with a voiceover in Spanish by Guillermo Perea of Los Angeles. The DVD is available in Spanish or English just by sending a self-addressed mailing envelope with adequate postage to the Animal Issues Movement, 420 N. Bonnie Brae St., Los Angeles, CA 90026, or by contacting or
Both the English and Spanish versions of "QuickSpay" are viewable on the Animal People website at