In 2005, Dr. W. Marvin Mackie of Animal Birth Control clinics in Southern California, demonstrated in a DVD called “QuickSpay”, his high-volume surgical pet sterilization techniques developed while operating low-cost spay/neuter clinics since 1976. Over 5,000 copies of “QuickSpay” have been distributed free of charge to veterinarians all over the world for adaptation to their personal practices. A Spanish-language version is available also. Realizing the critical need for humane pet overpopulation control and inspired by the work of world-renown veterinarian Dr. Leo Lieberman, in 1988 Dr. Mackie began focusing and perfecting his “QuickSpay” technique to allow the safe spay/neuter of dogs and cats as young as eight weeks—before the age where they can reproduce and add to the burgeoning number of homeless pets. |